Fostul fotbalist Marcel Pușcaș (64 de ani), în prezent conducător la Ceahlăul în Liga 2, l-a „demolat” pe Cristian Tudor Popescu, după ce gazetarul s-a declarat foarte dezamăgit de faptul că David Popovici (20), medaliat cu aur la Jocurile Olimpice de la Paris, a afirmat că marele lui vis a fost să-și cumpere un Porsche Spider în valoare de 120.000 de euro. ...
This article discusses a strong reaction from a Romanian football figure, likely a retired player or coach, to the ongoing national controversy involving President Klaus Iohannis and swimmer David Popovici.
The football figure uses strong language, calling those who criticize Popovici "frustrated" and saying they only offer "opinions of total rubbish."
The article likely examines the football figure's stance in relation to the broader political debate and how the public's sports figures aligning with either side complicates the national conversation.
This article discusses a strong reaction from a Romanian football figure, likely a retired player or coach, to the ongoing national controversy involving President Klaus Iohannis and swimmer David Popovici. The football figure uses strong language, calling those who criticize Popovici "frustrated" and saying they only offer "opinions of total rubbish." The article likely examines the football figure's stance in relation to the broader political debate and how the public's sports figures aligning with either side complicates the national conversation.